If you have a question that isn't answered below, please feel free to contact us on 0800 420 436 - we'll be happy to answer your question!
Absolutely – we can come out to your property for a free estimate and assess the problem, as well as provide free estimates over the phone.
We use only the finest professional, industrial standard pest control products, which are approved by the MAF – Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry.
Absolutely – we take full precaution when spraying your property.
Everyone – including family and pets – must be out during the treatment and not return until it is completely dry.
If you have any pets in tanks or other pet enclosures, they should either be covered or removed from the property entirely.
In some instances, our products may leave a slight odour but this should fade quickly over two to three hours.
Depending on the pest identified and the intensity of the infestation, just treating trouble spots or limited areas inside the premises makes the best sense in some instances.
You can leave it to us and our team of professionals! With our free identification service, we can identify the type of cockroach by assessing its size and habitat.
Small-sized, light brown German cockroaches can be found in kitchens, laundry areas and hot water cupboards. Dark large cockroaches are usually found living in leaf litters and bark gardens outside or can be seen around the home. Larger nests will often be found in the back of appliances.
Flexible Pricing

- Kitchen Faucets
- Bathroom Faucets and Toilets
- Water Heaters
- Hot Water Dispensers
- and moree...
- Garbage Disposals
- Sump Pump Battery
- Backup System
- Backflow Prevention
- Garbage Disposals
- and moree...